Thursday, 21 October 2021 05:52

The Environmental Research Center holds a lecture on biofortification

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The Environmental Research Center holds a lecture on biofortification 

The Environmental Research Center at the University of Technology held a lecture on biofortification delivered by the head of the sustainable development department at the center, Prof. Basem Hashem Faraj spoke about health problems in the Iraqi society in particular and the world in general, especially the lack of some nutrients such as iron, for example, and one of the mechanisms for addressing this deficiency by adding it to basic foodstuffs such as wheat as the main food for most of the local community.

The most important ways to add these elements, such as genetic engineering, direct spraying on plants, fertilization, and others, were also highlighted.

The lecture had concluded with some important recommendations and a call to raise the level of public awareness and expand research work to find appropriate solutions to control the growing shortage of important nutrients.

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