Thursday, 21 May 2020 21:09

Civil Engineering Department at UOT in cooperation with Continuing Education Center holds a virtual online workshop entitled (Aerial photography, drones and their applications)

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Civil Engineering Department at UOT, in cooperation with Continuing Education Center, held a virtual online workshop entitled: (Aerial photography, drones and their applications) On Monday, 11/5/2020 at 9:30 am, the workshop was carried out by:

- Assist. Prof. Dr. Abbas Zidan Khalaf.

- Lect. Tariq Naji Atawi.

-  Lect. Israa Hatem.

This workshop is concerned with the use of drone in various applications as one of the techniques of air surveying in geomatics engineering and with scientific development these drones can carry sensor and high-resolution cameras for the purpose of collecting information in military applications and conducting exploratory and detailed surveys of various engineering projects and civil applications in rugged regions and difficult terrain with high accuracy.

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