Thursday, 02 November 2017 09:30

Technology and the US Embassy Organize a Workshop on the IYLEP Program

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Within the framework of the scientific and cultural activities held by the Department of Chemical Engineering at the University of Technology for the new academic year 2017-2018, the department head in collaboration with the US Embassy organized a workshop entitled "Workshop on IYLEP" on Tuesday 24/10/2017 at Dar Salaam Hall Head of Chemical Engineering Department, Dr. Jamal Manea Ali Al-Rubaie, Director of Rehabilitation and Employment Division Ammar al-Husseini and a number of professors and students of the second and third phase in the department.The US Embassy in Baghdad offers a new cultural exchange program for young Iraqi leaders that provides an opportunity for outstanding students who have demonstrated leadership skills. The workshops seek to broaden their knowledge of civic engagement and intercultural communication.
 The IYLEP program contributes to the exchange of young Iraqi leaders for undergraduate students for four weeks and provides an opportunity for university students in Iraq to develop concrete skills in the 21st century, expand their leadership abilities, build a new understanding of civic engagement and diversity, around the world.














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