اهم الكتب المتوفرة في مكتبة القسم صفحة رقم 7 رجوع

ت اسم الكتاب المؤلف دار النشر السنة
601 Introduction Linear Algebra with applications Kolman , Bernaurd New York : Macmillan Publishing Company 1984
602 Elements of meterials Science and engineering Van,Vlack World:America 1985
603 Quantum Mechanics and Statistical Methods S.Hendzel New York:Nova 1988
604 Non Linear Phenomene in Plasma Physics and Hydro dynamics Sadgeev,R.Z Moscow Mir Publishers 1986
605 General Chemistry:Principles and Structure Brady,James America:John wiley 1978
606 Mathematical Methods in Chemistry and Physics Starzak,Michaele Newyork : Plenum press 1989
607 The Logical Analysis of Quantum Mechanics Sykes.J.B Newyork:Pergamon 1973
608 Statistical Methods in The biological Milton,J.Susan McGraw Hill:London 1983
609 Ternary cholo pyrite Semiconductor Growth Shay,S.L Oxford:Pergamon Press 1985
610 Purification of Laboratory Chemicals D.D.Perin New York:Pergamon press 1988
611 Proceedings of the Fourth Lunar Science Conference  Houston,Texas New York:Pergamon Press 1973
612 Petroleum Refining technology and Economics Gary,Jemes .H\ New York:Marcel Dekker INC 2001
613 Alternative Fuels Chemical Energy Resources E.M.Goodger Australia:Styleset 1980
614 Advances in Space Plasma Physics B.Buti USA:World Scientific  1985
615 Photomemission and the Electronic Properties of Surfaces Fenerbacher.B Newyork:John Wiley 1978
616 Finite elements Methods in Linear Ideal Magnetohydro dynamics Keller.H.B USA.: Springer- Verlag 1985
617 Magnetic Bubble Technology Escen Felder.A.H Newyork:Springer Verlage 1980
618 Photon and Quantum Fluctuations Pik,E.R Birstol:Aden Hilger 1988
619 Vacuum -Tube Circuit and Transistor Arguimber Lawernce Baker London:John wiely  
620 Topical Meating on Semiconductor Laser Optical,S.A. American:O.S.A 1987
621 Carcinogenic and Anticarcinogenic Factors in food Eisenbrand,Gerthard Germany Wiley- VCH 2000
622 X- Ray Spectrscopy in Atomic and Solid State physics Ferrier ,J.Games Newyork:Plenum  
623 Elements of Classical Physics Martin,Martin.C New York:Pergramon Press 1975
624 Thin film Processes Vossen , John.L Newyork:Academic Press  
625 Colour Observed Verity,Enid London:HongKong 1980
626 Fundamebtals of Physics Pinsky.A.A Moscow:Mirpublishers 1975
627 Mastering Physics Keighey,HSP London:Macmillan education 1987
628 Introduction to atomic Physics Tolansky ,S London:Longmans 1959
629 Elements of X- Ray Differaction B.D.Cullity London:Addison Willey 1967
630 Elemantary Numerical Analysis An Algorithmic Approach Conte ,S.D London:McGraw Hill 1980
631 Anelastic and Dielectric Effects in Polymeric Solids Mccrum.N.G Newyork:Dover Puplications 1967
632 Organic Chemistry Fox,Marge Anne Boston:Jones and Bartlett Pub 1997
633 Electronic Circuit Analysis And design Donald A.Neamen Newyork:McGraw Hill 2001
634 Communications Receivers Rohde,Ulrich Newyork:McGraw hill 2001
635 Fundamentals of Acoustics Kinsler,Lowrence.E New York:John Wiley 1962
636 7Th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry Timmerans .C.J USA:IUpac Subommtte 1985
637 Principles and applications of electrical engineering  Rizzoni,Giorgio Newyork:Mcgrawhill 2004
638 Physical Metallurgy hand book Sinha Anil Kumar Newyork:McGraw hill 2003
639 Synthets Fuels Probstein,Ronald.F London:McGraw hill 1982
640 University Practical Physics Bhattachakya,C.K Delhi:CBS 1984
641 Principles and applications of optical Communications Kany.Max.Miny Chicago Irwin 1996
642 Mathmatics + Physics Streit L : Editor Philade world Scientific 1985
643 Mathmatics Supplement to accompany foundations of engineering Holtzapple,Mark.T Newyork:McGraw Hill 2003
644 Fundamentals of Physics David Halliday America:John Wiley 1997
645 Mathmatical elements for computer Graphics Roger David.F Newyork:McGraw Hill 1990
646 Chemical Reaction Engineering Leveens Octave America:John Wiley 1999
647 Student Study Guide with Selected Solution Physics Red,David London:Prentice Hall 2002
648 An Introduction to the theory of Plasma Turbulence Tcy tovich,VIv Oxford:Pergamon Press 1972
649 Chemical Principles Masterton,Wi;iam.L London:W.B Saunders 1977
650 Advanced Physics Geddes.S.M London : Macmillan 1981
651 Integrated Science Tillery,Bill,W Newyork:McGraw Hill 2001
652 Animal Physiolog Mechanism and Adaptations Randell,David Newyork:W.H.Freem 1997
653 Mineralogy Ageologists Ponit of View Hibbrad.M.J New York:McGraw HIll 2002
654 Advances in Liquid Crystal Reserch and Applications Bata.Lajos Pergamon 1981
655 X-Ray and Neutron Structure Analysis in Materials Science Hasek,J Newyork:Plenum Press 1989
656 Applicable Mathmatics of Non- Physical Phemona Conolly.B.W Newyork:John willey 1982
657 Autocad2002 Companion Leach,James,A Newyork:McGraw hill 2003
658 Evolution of the earth Prothero,Donald,R Newyork:McGraw Hill 2002
659 Mathematics of classical And Quantum Physics Byron.W London:Addison 1970
660 Quantum Mechanics of Many Degrees of freedom Elsen berg,M.Judah newyork:John Wiley 1988
661 Specetime and singularities Naber.L.Gregory newyork:cambridge 1988
662 Studies Mathmatical Physics Wightman,A.S New jersy:Princton 1976
663 Vacuum Ultraviolet radiation Physics Damany,Nicole Newyork:Pergamon Press 1974
664 Data Structures and Program design C++ Kruse,Rebert.L New Jersy Prentic Hall 1999
665 Atext Work book Geometric Tolerancing Marrelli,Richard.S Newyork:Glencoe 1997
666 American Vacuum Society Series Harper James.M.E American:chemical Soiety 1987
667 Electro chamical methods Bard,Allen Newyork:John Wiley 1980
668 Digital Computional for chamical engineering series Lapibous Newyork:Mcoorw Hill 1979
669 Petrolenm Refining technology and econmics Gary,James,L Newyork:Marcel Penker 2001
670 Graphs Groups and surface White,Arthur.I Newyork:North Holand 1984
671 Group theory Graviation and elements Pratice Physics Kamor,A New york:Mova Science 1987
672 A first Course in Fluid dynamics Paterson A.R Newyork:Combrides university Press 1983
673 Finite element Calerkin methods for differntion equation Fairweathe,Grame Newyork:Marcel dakkar 1978
674 Finite in Biomechanics Gallaghe,R.H Newyork:John Wiley 1982
675 Alevel Physics Vol3 Electricity and Modern Physics M.Chapple.M Londen:Printed Greet Britan 1928
676 Superconductor Applications Squids and Machines Schwart Z.Brian.B Newyork:Plnum press 1976
677 Routing and dimensioning in Circuit- Switched networks Andre Girad Newyork:Addison Welsly 1990
678 A first Course in Differental Equations Zill,Dennis.Q Mexico:Thomson 2005
679 Conceptual Physical Science Hewitt,Paul.G Newyork:Haper Collines 1994
680 Low Temperature Physics Borovik,A.S Moscow:Mirpublishers 1985
681 Non_ Linear Phenomena in Plasma Physics and Hydro dynamics Sagdeev,R.Z Moscow:Mir Publisher 1986
682 The Ulam Problem of Optimotion of Line Scgmenta Duboviststing,V.A Newyork:Optimization 1985
683 Chemistry engineering and Technology Kuriacose,J.C New Delhi:Tota Mcgraw Kill 1984
684 Chemistry A Conceptual Approach Mortimer.Charies.E Newyork:Reinhold book 1968
685 Applied and Computational Complex Analysis Henrici,Peter Newyork:John Wiley 1988
686 Introduction to Probability and Statistics for engineering and scientist Sheldon,MRoss Newyork:John Wiley 1987
687 A course of Mathmatics for engineering and Science Chirgwin,B.H Newyork:Programon Press 1980
688 A modern Approach to Statistics Conover,W,J Newyork:John Wiley 1983
689 Numerical Optimization Techniques Evtushenk,Yurij.G Newyork:Optimzation 1985
690 Engineering Mathmatics Narayan,Shanti New Delhi:S Chand 1987
691 Elementry Numerical Analysis Conte,S.D London:McGraw Hill 1980
692 Introduction to Optimization Beate,E.M.L Newyork:John Wiley 1988
693 Application of thermal Imaging Burnay,S.O US:Adam Hilger 1988
694 Algebric Topology Maunder,C.R.F Newyork:Combride university 1980
695 Procedings of the ApolloII Lunar Science Conferense Levinson AA Newyork:Pergramon Press 1970
696 Applied elementry Statistics Welmer,Richards Calfornia:Brooks Pubp 1987
697 Theory and Practice of direct Ladd,M .F.C Plennum :Newyork 1980
698 High resolution NMR Spectroscopy of Syntuetic Polymers Komoroski,Richard.A Newyork:VCH 1986
699 Organometallic Chemistry An over view Thayer< John S America:VCH 1987
700 Organic Spectroscopy Kemp,William London:Macmallcan 1989
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