اهم الكتب المتوفرة في مكتبة القسم صفحة رقم 8 رجوع

ت اسم الكتاب المؤلف دار النشر السنة
701 Fourier Transform infrared Characterization of Polymer Ishida Hastma Newyork:Plenumm Press 1984
702 Friction and wear in Polymer Based Materials Bely,V.A Oxford:Programobn Press 1982
703 Spectromtric identification of Organic Compounds Silversttien , Robert.M New york:John Wiley 1981
704 Graph theory and Applications Temperley ,H.n Newyork:John Wiley 1981
705 Statisticakl and irreversible thermodynamics Nag,P.K Nai Sark Khanna Publisher 1984
706 Analytic Geomtry Protter,Murray.H Reading Addision Wesley 1966
707 Optics Malhier,Jp Oxford:Pergramon Press 1975
708 Nine Introductions in Complex Analysis Segal,Sanford Newyork:North Holland 1981
709 Fundamentals of analytical Chemistry Skooog ,Douglas Newyork:Sander Geley 1982
710 Crystal Growth Vere,A.W New York:Plenum Press 1987
711 An Introduction to Spinors and Geometry with application in Physics Benn,I.M Bristol:Adam Hilger 1988
712 Physics of Semiconductor Laser Devices Thompson,G.H.B New York:Sohnewekwely 1980
713 Experssion Genetic Differential Display Pardee,Arthur.B USA:Biotechniques 1999
714 The theory of Monoplistic Competition Hastings,Eduard London:Harvard university 1962
715 Matrix Compution for engineers and Scientistics Jennings,Alam Newyork:john Wiley 1978
716 Stochastic Differential equations An Introduction with application Oksendral,Bernal Newyork:SprinkingVerlag 1985
717 Methods of Real Analysis GoldBerge Newyork:John Wiley 1976
718 Numerical Methods for Scientists and engineering  Hamming,R.W Newyork:McGraw Hill 1915
719 linear operators dunford nelson newyork:intersciencepublsher 1963
720 Linear Differntal Operetors Lanczos,Cornelines London:D.Van noslrand Company 1961
721 Calculus Eleventh edition Thomas,George.B London:Addison Wisley 2005
722 Cryochemistry Sergeev,G.B Moscow Mir Publishers 1986
723 Surface Crystallographic informationService Ahand book Surface Structures Maclaren.J.M Boston:D.Reldel Publishing Company 1987
724 Crystal graphy An introduction of or earth Whittaker,E.J.W Oxford:Pergamon press 1981
725 Diffusion Bonding of Meterials Kazakov,Nf Newyork:MirPublishers 1985
726 Elementary Differantial equation Rainville ,Eart D Newyork:Macmillan Company 1989
727 Semiconductors and Semimentals Tsang,W.T New York:Academic Press 1985
728 Amorphous Semicoductor Technologyies devices Hamakaw A Tokyo:OHM 1984
729 Theory and Problem of Gollege Chemistry Rosenbery Seromel Newyork:McGraw Hill 1980
730 N-Dimintional Crystallography Schwarzen berges,R.L.E London:Pitman 1980
731 Molecules Crystals and Quantum Statlist Fremi,Enrico Newyork: 1960
732 Introduction to Dislocations Hull,D Oxford:Pergamon Press 1984
733 Lectures on Grystal Morphology Shafranovsti New Delhi:America Publish 1968
734 Spectroscopy with Polarzed Light Michi,Josef American:VCH Publisher 1986
735 Casdynamics of Dynamics and Rective System Oppenheim,A.K Oxford:Pergamon Press 1980
736 Hyperblic Partial Differantial Equations Witten,Malthew Newyork:Pergamon Press 1986
737 Hiber Math Zeldovich,Ya.B Moscow:Mir Publishers 1987
738 Introduction of Statistics Walpole,Ranold .E Newyork:Macmallian Publishing 1982
739 Biology Raven,Peter H Newyork:McGraw Hill 1999
740 Molecular Genetics of Bacteria Dale _Jeremy.W London:John wiley 2004
741 Schamas out Line of theory and problems of Modren Physics Gautrean,Ronald Newyork:McGraw Hill 1928
742 Theory and Problems Mathmatics of Finance Ayes,Frank Newyork:McGraw Hill 1963
743 Schames out Line Series Set theory Lipsecuutz ,Seymour Newyork:McGraw hill 1964
744 Schmmas out Line of theory and Problems of Modren Algebra Ayes Frank Newyork:McGraw Hill 1965
745 Integrated Electrnics Analog and Digital Circuits and Systems Halklas,Millman Tokyo:McGraw Hill 1972
746 Laser Technology Muncheryan Hacand.M Tab book  
747 Logic for Mathmatics Hamilton,A.G Newyork:Combridge university 1988
748 Introduction to probability and Mathmatical Statistic Bain,Lee.J Boston:Duxbury Press 1987
749 Modren Geometry Methods and applications Burns,Robert B Newyork:Spring Verlage 1982
750 Ordanry Differantial equation Arrow smith , D.k Chapman and Hall:London  
751 Principles of Mathmatics analysis Rudin Walter Date Mc Graw Hill Newyork 1976
752 Onfunction and functional equations Smital,Jaroslav Bristol:Edowrd Arnold 1988
753 Analysis of approximation Methods for Differential Reinnard,HJ Newyork:Springer Verley 1985
754 Techniques of Vacuum Harvolet Samson,James.A.R Great Britan Cuitnepress 2000
755 an Introduction to finite Mathmatics Meserve,Bruce London:Addison Wesely 1972
756 Supersymmetry and Supergravity Wit,B des Singrpore:WorldScientfic 1984
757 Field Geophysics Milson ,John USA:John Wiley 2002
758 Entropy Fast,J.D London:Mecuum 1982
759 Operations Research:Principles and Practice Phillips.Tdon Newyork:Johnwiley 1967
760 Thermodynamic Properties of Dynamic Gmpounds Jonz,George Newyork:Academic press 1958
761 Quantum Organic Chemistry Baba< Hiroaki Newyork:John Wiley 1956
762 General and Inoranic Cemistry Creighton . Campbell Moscow:Publishers 1983
763 Theory of Valency in Procress Kuznetsun VI Moscow 1980
764 Mechanical Properties and Behaviour of Solips:Plasticinst Abilities BottaniCA Italy:World SCientific 1985
765 Introduction to the Mathmatical theory of Control Process Bellman , Richard Newyork:Academic press1967 1967
766 Afirst Cource in Abstract Algebra Fraleigh.B.John London:Addison Wesley 1982
767 Numerical Analysis Teman,Roger Usa:D.Reidel PublishiringCoupany 1973
768 Non- Pertubative Aspects of Quantum Field Theory Julve,J Germany:World Scientific 1982
769 Computing for Caulus Christensen,Mark.S London:Academic press 1981
770 Probability With Applications Woodrofe,Micheal Takyo:McGraw Hill 1975
771 Pure Mathmatics:a complete and Concise Young,Barbara London:Adoward Arnold 1989
772 Precent Developments In several Complex Veriables Forness.E John Tokyo:Princeton 1981
773 Definitions and Formutein Statics Govil,A.K London:the Macmlliam Press 1978
774 Undergraduate topology Kasriel,Robert Herman U.S.A:Saunder Philadelphia 1977
775 Calculus and analytic Geometry Thomas George.B London:Addison_ Wesley 1983
776 Propability Theory with the essential Milton , Janet Susan Addison Wisley America 1976
777 Introduction to Set theory Badarnch.D Anwar Jordon Dar Al Shorouk 2001
778 Discrete Mathmatical Structure Kolman,Bernard America:Prentic Hall 2004
779 Advances in Biochemical engineering Biotechnology Scheper,I Newyork:Springer Verlage 2000
780 Applications of Synthetic Resion Warson H New York:John Wiley 2001
781 Heavy Metals in the Aquatic Enviromation Krenkel.P.A Newyork :Pergramon Press 1975
782 Gravitational Lenses Scheider.R U.s.a:Springer 1999
783 The radiation _Induced decomposition of inorganic Moleculerions Johnson,Evrett.r Newyork:Gordonand Berach 1970
784 Mathmatical:Methods of Physics Mathews,John London:The Bengenamin Publishing 1970
785 Introduction to Microwave Electronics Edwards,T.C London:Great Brotain 1984
786 Kinetic Theory of Gases Present,R Newyork:McGraw Hill 1958
787 Magantro register in Matels Pipar Frs Newyork:Curbiont Universirty 1988
788 Power Sources Collins.P.H Oxford:Pergramon Press 1968
789 Fundamentals of Physics Halliday,David Newyork:John Wiley 2001
790 Finite Mathmatics An Applied Approach Sallivan_michael Newyork:John Wiley 1996
791 Computer Graphics with Opencl Baker>M Pauline America:Pearson 2004
792 Electronic Defect S Dievolt,Volkmar Newyork:Springer 2003
793 Metallurgy and metallurgical Engineering Series Hansen,Max Newyork:Mcgraw Hill 1958
794 Computer System Architure Mano ,M Morrier Newjersy:Prentic Hall 1993
795 Heterocyclic Chemistry Sainsbury,M Great Britan:John Wiley 2002
796 Foundry Services Limited The Foseco Foundymens hand book Oxford:Pergamon Press 1975
797 Lunar Science instute geochimacaet gosmochimica acta Suplement New york:Pergamon press 1975
798 Geochimica et Cosmochinica acta Supplement Criswell ,David R Cambride:The Mit Press 1972
799 proceding of fifth Lunar Science Contexen Joluson space center newyork:Pergramon press 1974
800 The 8088 and 8086 Micro processors Programing interfaling Soft Ware Hard ware Applications Trieble,Walter.A New Jersey:Premtice Hall 2003
عدد الكتب المتوفرة في مكتبة القسم هو : 1936 كتاب
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