Sunday, 29 August 2021 07:53

University of Technology Accomplish Electronic Application for High Studies

 Completing the plan of the Research and Development Division in the Presidency of the University of Technology, the office of the vice-president for scientific affairs to keep pace with the electronic typesetting of the data and programs to be easily reached.

  The Research and Development Division has supervised the completion of the second electronic application for the university titled "postgraduate studies application". The application was done by the students of the fourth stage in the department of computer sciences.

This application will be easily reached for anything that the postgraduate students in the University of Technology need as forms, instructions, the curriculums of Masters and PhD according to the specializations and departments, dates and results, programs for skills development, also direct connect with the department of postgraduate studies in the university to answer the questions through a special icons.

The application is available now on Google Play:


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