Tuesday, 08 December 2020 15:14

The Higher Education launch a channel 

The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research has launched a channel to apply for evening studies for martyrs' families for the academic year2020/202.

The Studies, Planning and Follow-up Department clarified that the application will be through its electronic portal (www.dirasat-gate.org) and following the steps:-

 - The student enters his personal and study data through the student login interface and create a password.

 - Print the form and go to the nearest Martyrs Foundation of the governorate to approve by it.

 - The student has the right to modify the form if there is an error before it is approved by Martyrs Foundation.

 - The applicant enters the study through the online portal using the password, fills the options (from one to ten options) and save them.

 - For direct admission colleges and departments - Physical Education and Fine Arts - the student goes to take the test in the college he chose, and direct admission colleges enter test scores for the applicants so that the applicants compete later after calculating the degree of competition.

 -The directorate will approve the student’s application and sends it to the main branch of the Martyrs Foundation.

The Martyrs Foundation will do final authenticable the required data.


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