The main activities of the Department for 2016


Petroleum Technology Department Supports the Iraqi Army Victories


 21/8 till 25/08/2016

In cooperation with the Oil Training Institute / Baghdad, Oil Department held a training course about the anthropomorphic drill device at the Oil Training Institute for the period 21/8 till 25/08/2016.

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Petroleum Technology Department Supports the Iraqi Army Victories



In order to support the victories of the Army and the Popular Mobilization Forces and with the implementation of the directives of His Excellency the Minister and under the slogan (Our security forces and the heroes of the popular mobilization forces will remain a title for the unity of the new Iraq)

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The Committee of industrial experts in the petroleum technology department



In order to review the performance of the department and provide advices in terms of curriculum and determining labor market requirements in accordance with the requirements of the global reliability (ABET)

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Petroleum Technology Department discusses the final stage projects



The discussion of the fourth stage students projects have been taken place in the petroleum technology department for a period of 22-23/6/2016 in the department's halls through a number of committees formed

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 Head of Petroleum Technology Department inspected the conducting of the final exams in the Department



The head of the petroleum technology department, Prof. Dr. Mohammed Saleh Al-Jawad has inspected the reality of conducting the final exams for students in the department on Thursday

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The Petroleum Technology Department has got the perfect Cup team



in the presence of Prof. Dr. Amin Douai Thamer Al-Tamimi and within the President's Cup league championship in football, Al-Tamimi distributed the awards to the winning and participating teams, which took place on the University of Technology sports ground.

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Public authority in the Petroleum Technology Department:



The president of the University, Dr. Amin Douai Thamer met members of the teaching staff of the Petroleum Technology Department and in the presence of the head of department Prof. Mohammed Saleh Al-Jawad and the scientific and administrative assistants

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The Elections of the Society of Petroleum Engineers in the Petroleum Technology Department:



The Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE), the administrative board's Student Chapter conducted elections to choose a new administrative body on Sunday, 15/5/2016 in the petroleum department conference room and under the supervision of Dr. Asawir Abdulrasool.

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Scientific symposium about engineering education by solving the problems in the Petroleum Technology Department



On the occasion of the university day and within the Scientific Activities of the department

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The Petroleum Technology Department participated in the marketing of scientific productions Exhibition


In order to support scientific productions at the university and for the purpose of informing various state institutions and the private sector on these productions to the purpose of marketing them, the Petroleum Technology Department participated in the commercialization of scientific productions exhibition held by the university


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The Petroleum Technology Department participated in the celebration of the anniversary of the university foundation


The Petroleum Technology Department participated in the University central celebration

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Scientific visit for the third stage students to the Oil Training Institute in Baghdad


In a series of the department activities to celebrate the University Day and in order that students earn a knowledge and experience in the work field


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The department postgraduate students are participating in a workshop


The department postgraduate students/ Master degree

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Head of the Petroleum Technology Department presented a lecture on engineering education at Baghdad University


The President of the Department, Dr. Mohammed AlJawad, presented a lecture

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A geological Scientific Visit to the Tar Caves Area


Within the department scientific activities on university day

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Unit checking and internal monitoring



In order to simplify the procedures and completion speed of financial transactions

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The Students of the petroleum technology department visited the orphanage in the eye Foundation for Social Welfare


A number of petroleum technology students with a group of university

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University of Technology dispatched a number of teaching staff in the petroleum technology department to Erbil


The University of Technology has dispatched a number of professors in the petroleum technology department to Arbil

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The Petroleum Technology Department is celebrating the graduation of its  third students batch


Within the joy and happiness

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 The Petroleum Technology Department Students Participated in the "Speak up Technology" Event


  In order to encourage students to speak English

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Honoring affiliated in the department on the occasion of International Women's Day


  In order to enable Iraqi women

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 The Department fourth Stage Students participated in a workshop


  In order to inform and educate young students and graduates of the university

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   The First Stage Students Performed their Petroleum Geology Laboratory Exam


   In order to train students on the study of the earth structures 

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The First Stage Students Performed their Engineering Applications Laboratory Exam


  In order to develop the spirit of creativity among students in solving the problems of projects and engineering applications and the mechanism dealing with it

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The students' first stage performed an English language lab exam


  To meet the needs of the department in the development

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Awareness Lecture for counter-terrorism in the petroleum technology department


The psychological operations department of the prime ministry

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  The First Stage Students Performed their Engineering Applications Laboratory Exam


 In order to develop the spirit of creativity among students in solving the problems of projects and engineering s

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  Director of Laboratories met the department engineering staff


 In order to stand on the difficulties and problems faced by the department engineers

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 Scientific visit to the Garraf oil field


Within the scientific activities of the petroleum technology

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Students of the Petroleum Technology department visited the South Oil Company


Proceeding from the principle of scientific communication between academic institutions and work field, the petroleum technology department carried out a scientific visit for the students of the third stage to the Southern Oil Company in Basra for a period of 6-11 / 2/2016

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Head of petroleum technology department attended the meeting related to the establishment of a professional Master study in engineering disciplines



Prof. Dr. Mohammed Saleh Jawad, head of the petroleum technology department attended a meeting on examining the special proposal of  studying higher professional study on Monday, 8/02/2016 

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Head of Petroleum Technology department and his scientific deputy met the department postgraduate students


Both the head of the department, Prof. Mohammed Salih AlJawad and his Deputy for Scientific Affairs,  Dr. Ahmed Abdallah Ramadan met the students of postgraduate studies on Wednesday, 3/02/2016 in the department conference room.


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Head of Petroleum Technology Department attended the monthly gathering of the Ministry of Oil


The head of petroleum technology department, Prof. Dr. Mohammed Salih AlJawad attended the monthly forum for the oil ministry entitled (the national oil company and the prospects for the promotion of the national industry), which was held by the oil ministry / R&D center  on Saturday 30/1/2016 in the Oil Cultural Center hall in Baghdad.


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Cpommittee meeting to identify the syllabus of oil project management engineering branch


Due to the need of the Ministry of Oil for specialized engineering staffs who have an administrative vision, the syllabus committee of oil project management engineering branch was met in the department Council room on Thursday, 21/1/2016.


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Head of the Petroleum Technology Department participated in the discussion Meeting of a memorandum of cooperation between the Ministry of higher Education and the Ministry of Oil


Within the joint cooperation mechanism between the Iraqi universities and the oil sector and in the presence of the Senior Undersecretary for Administrative Affairs

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