Mechanical Engineering Department Examines Dissertation
Mechanical Engineering Department at University of Technology examined the dissertation entitled “Study of IAQ Indices, and Exposure to Airborne Contaminant in Isolation Room Equipped with Protected Zone Ventilation System” presented by the PhD’s nominee Elaf Sadiq and supervised by Prof.Dr. Hasaneen Mohameed and Asst.Prof.Dr. Laith Jaffar.
The study dealt with a numerical and practical method to examine the improvement of indoor air quality and to reduce the spread of pollutants and infections in healthcare environments by understanding the behaviour of dispersed particles and their effect on the surrounding air. The study included designing an indoor isolated room containing the patient and the healthcare worker equipped with a protected area ventilation system with a four-way cassette ceiling air conditioner. At the end, the study concluded that pollutant removal in the isolation rooms is improved by increasing the air change rate (ACH) and increasing the negative pressure of the room. The results showed that type of ventilation used in the study played a major role in reducing the spread of pollutants and providing health protection for the medical staff.
The examining committee was chaired by Prof.Dr. Abdul-Hadi Nemaa, and the membership of Prof.Dr. Sattar Jabbir, Asst.Prof.Dr. Ali Lafta, Asst.Prof.Dr. Mohameed Fawzi and Asst.Prof.Dr. Ammar Saadoon.