Monday, 19 February 2024 08:25

Chemical Engineering Department organizes a scientific symposium on climate change and its impact on the environment.


Under the patronage of the President of the University of Technology, Professor Dr. Ahmed Muhammad Hassan Al-Ghaban, and under the slogan (The Earth is in Danger... Together We Protect It), the Process Engineering Branch in the Chemical Engineering Department at the University of Technology organized a scientific symposium on climate change and its impact on the environment.

At the beginning of the symposium, Professor Dr. Khaled Ajami Sukkar, Head of the Chemical Engineering Department, welcomed the attendees and touched on the importance of developing solutions to the problems of climate change due to its effects on the Earth in general and the regional region in particular. On the other hand, Professor Dr. Khaled Turki Rashid, Director of the Thin Film Research Unit, provided a detailed explanation of the unit’s activities since its establishment in 2012.

The symposium included scientific lectures by Dr. Fouad Hussein Saeed from the General Authority for the Maintenance of Irrigation and Drainage Projects, Assistant Professor Montaser Abdel Hamid Abd from the Middle Technical University, and Dr. Amir Jawad Kazem from the General Authority for Groundwater. During which a detailed presentation was given on the nature of the impact of climate change on resource management. Water resources in Iraq and their relationship to declining water levels and groundwater management in Iraq. The scientific session was chaired by Professor Dr. Qusay Fadel Abdel Hamid and asst. L. Maryam Tariq,as a rapporteur.

At the end of the symposium, certificates of appreciation were awarded by the Head of the Chemical Engineering Department to the lecturers in appreciation of their efforts in delivering lectures.

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