Monday, 19 February 2024 05:36

Electromechanical Engineering Department hold a workshop on climate change and its impact on the environment

Electromechanical Engineering Department, Systems Engineering Branch at the University of Technology, held a workshop (Climate Change and its impact on the environment) in the presence of the head of the branch, Assist. Prof. Dr. Israa Saad Ahmed, and a number of the department’s lecturers.

The workshop, sponsored by Assist. Lec. Heba Ali Negm, aimed to define climate change and its impact on the environment.

The workshop included two pivots:

The first pivot dealt with climate changes and shifts in temperatures and weather patterns, which human activities had a major impact on, by burning fossil fuels, which led to an increase in the phenomenon of global warming, which led to an increase in the Earth’s temperature and greatly affected biodiversity and food security. Water and economic, and the second pivot dealt with the most important strategies that must be followed to mitigate the phenomenon of global warming by switching to the use of renewable energy to reduce carbon emissions, in addition to the sustainable management of water sources to maintain food security.

The workshop concluded by asking questions and inquiries, where all questions were answered.

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