Sunday, 14 May 2023 09:12

The Department of Materials Engineering holds a scientific awareness symposium on the elements of leadership and successful women

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The Department of Materials Engineering holds a scientific awareness symposium on the elements of leadership and successful women 

The Materials Engineering Department at the University of Technology held an awareness-raising scientific symposium entitled Elements of Leadership and Successful Women, in the Seminars and Conferences Hall of the Department of Control and Systems Engineering. It was delivered by the international trainer, Mr. Thamer Hassani Sharqi from the Youth Values Foundation, and Mrs. Hanan Hafez Abdel-Ansari, Head of the Rural Girl Development Division - Diyala Agriculture Directorate.

Mr. Thamer touched on the nature of leadership and the most important qualities that a woman leader should have, and the most important leaders and successful personalities over time, while Mrs. Hanan talked about her success story, the difficulties she went through and is still going through, and her steadfastness to achieve the desired success.


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