Monday, 31 January 2022 07:15

Dept. of Civil Engineering. Held A scientific Symposium

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Dept. of Civil Engineering. Held A scientific Symposium

Under the patronage of the Head of Civil Eng. Dept., Prof. Dr. Hassan Hamoudi, in cooperation with the American Concrete Institute - Iraq Branch

The Department of Civil Engineering at the University of Technology held a scientific symposium entitled

(Expansion Joints in Bridges: Types, Installation, Problems and Solutions)

The symposium was attended by the head of the department, heads of branches, and a number of professors and members of the department affiliates.

The lecture was delivered by the consultant engineer Faris A. Rashid

During which he gave an introduction to bridges, their types and their structural parts

 An introduction to the expansion joints of bridges and their structural function,

Types of expansion joints for bridges and  techniques for implementing and installing types of expansion joints (illustrative videos) and discussing joint problems for bridges in Iraq and ways to tackle them.

The aim of the symposium was to shed light on all types of expansion joints for bridges, especially the joints prevalent in most bridges in Iraq, and to identify the methods of installing them on the site and how to take into account accuracy in implementation to avoid the problems prevailing in most bridge projects that are implemented recently, and to discuss implementation problems and how to tackle them.

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