Tuesday, 09 February 2021 08:41

Control and System Engineering Department Holds Symposium

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Control and System Engineering Department Holds Symposium

Sponsored by Prof.Dr.Ahmed Al-Gabban, president of University of Technology, Ensure Quality and Performance Section at Control and System Engineering Department at University of Technology in cooperation with General Directorate for Fighting Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances and the team of Iraq without Drugs held an educational scientific symposium tilted

(Fighting Drugs and its danger) with the attendance of the head of department Asst.Prof.Dr.Azad Rahim, lecturers, employees and students of the department.

The symposium aimed to define and aware the society from this deadly scourge.

The symposium includes three lectures, the first was presented by the colonel Emad Jabbr, director of media and public relations in the directorate for fighting drugs and psychotropic substances, the second lecture presented by the lieutenant Bilal Subhi in the training institute of fighting drugs, the third course was presented by the researcher Enass Kareem, a researcher in the field of drugs and team leader of the team Iraq without drugs.

The lecturers refers in the symposium to the dangerous of taking drugs which made from vegetarian and industrial nature and viewing the scientific and legal definition of drugs and their danger on nervous system and will be forbidden legally un-used. The lectures added how to limit this phenomenon to preserve the society and its safety.

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