Civil Engineering Department at UOT, in cooperation with the Continuing Education Center, holds a virtual online workshop entitled: "GIS graduation project in an hour"
The Civil Engineering Department at UOT, in cooperation with the Continuing Education Center, held a virtual online workshop entitled: "GIS graduation project in an hour" And it is held On Thursday, 2/7/2020 at 10 am. The workshop was delivered by: Assist. Prof. Mohamed Al-Bayati Lec. Bivian Ismail Lec. Rana Jabbar Although the circumstances that accompanied this academic year and which led to the students not being in their seats
This workshop was prepared to show them how to carry out a GIS project with all its details and implementing the work steps in front of the students so that they can know:
1- System components
2- The mechanism of work and the sequence of steps
3- Show results
4- Conclusion of the benefits accrued
As this workshop serves as an integrated laboratory course for A-Z within an hour of time, note that the workshop is also useful for high-study students as well as beginners in GIS projects.