Tuesday, 09 June 2020 21:10

Electrical Engineering Department at UOT, in cooperation with Continuous Education Center, organizes an electronic workshop about (precise Doppler and its effect on pattern distinguish)

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Electrical Engineering Department at UOT organized, in cooperation with Continuous Education Center, an electronic workshop about (precise Doppler and its effect on pattern recognition), delivered by Asist. Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Hamza and Prof. Dr. Thamer Rashid Saeed, Assist. Prof. Evan Abdel Al-Zahra and Assist. Prof. Dr. Saad Mutasher

     Meeting: https://meet.google.com/tth-jsuf-iek

 On Tuesday, 4/21/2020 at 5 pm.

The workshop aims to define the importance of microscopic Doppler, how it is generated, its relationship to the body to be detected, and its relationship to the moving parts of the body to be detected and important mathematical relationships in that, and thus the methods for extracting this delicate Doppler and making it as an advantage for the purpose of distinguish as well as some important applications used in practical life.




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