Sunday, 31 May 2020 20:10

Electromechanical Engineering Department at UOT holds an electronic workshop about countering negative drones and its impact on air safety

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Electromechanical Engineering Department at UOT, in cooperation with Continuing Education Center, held an electronic workshop (Free Conference Call ) entitled " an electronic workshop about countering negative drones and its impact on air safety "  delivered by Asist. Prof. Dr. Saadi D.Kurdish.

The workshop included touching on the important positive role played by drones, whether on the military or civilian side and the negative side that is represented in several aspects, including a threat (the safety of individuals and VIP, airports and vital facilities, air bases and military fleets, land and marine industrial facilities and Bridges, and

Smuggling (its impact on the security and safety of the country). In addition to that, drones have been operated and used in most countries, especially Arabian once, by many governmental and non-governmental agencies, and some of them are outlaw. In view of this, anti-aircraft systems technology began to detect and intercept those aircrafts until they are now widely adopted. However, this emerging area still faces a number of critical issues. Although large drones can be confronted with conventional anti-aircraft techniques, otherwise confront small drones involves multiple challenges. It is difficult to see these aircraft with the naked eye even from close distances. It is not detectable by ground-detection radars originally designed to detect large and fast aircraft. Even when some conventional anti-aircraft systems are effective against drones, their high cost compared to the very low cost of drone causes high financial losses. For example, the cost of a single missile is approximately 1$ million, while the cost of a small drone is less than 500 $.

In light of the foregoing, the process of planning to address the negative drones requires study and planning that correspond to the process of developing the industry and use of drones. In summary, fears of the activity and uses of passive airplanes can be summarized by three fundamental points, which are the implementation of terrorist operations, and threat of air navigation safety in addition to espionage and violation of privacy.

A brief review was made of the most important methods and possibilities available to address passive drones, at least for the time being.





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