Thursday, 05 December 2019 06:19

Chemical Engineering Department holds a cultural lecture on (steroids and supplements)

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 The Department of Chemical Engineering at the University of Technology held a scientific lecture entitled (doping and food supplements) at Dar Al-Salam hall on Tuesday, 26/11/2019, in the presence of scientific assistant head of the department response on work   Prof.Dr. Adnan Abdul Jabbar Abdul Razzaq and members of the teaching staff and a number of members of the Department and the University.

The lecture was given by Prof.Dr. Mudhaffar Abdullah Shafiq / President of the Iraqi Federation of Sports Medicine / specialty of joints and bones, where he explained how to use steroids and how useful and dangerous to athletes.

At the end of the seminar, certificates of appreciation were distributed by the scientific assistant in charge of conducting the work of the department for the records and the preparatory committee, appreciating the efforts of the lecturers.







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