Thursday, 25 July 2019 09:25

The Department of Chemical Engineering holds a workshop on analysis of the questionnaire

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The Division of Quality Assurance and Performance Evaluation in the Department of Chemical Engineering at the University of Technology and in cooperation with the Center for Continuing Education established a workshop entitled "Analysis of questionnaire using the statistical program SPSS".

The lect. Amer Aziz Abdul Rahman and .Prof.Farah Talib & Prof. The questionnaire is one of the most important methods of scientific research, and is used in the collection of data related to the subject of the research, a form is prepared containing a set of questions that the respondent should answer.

Most experts prepare the questionnaire from the most popular tools used to collect information and data from respondents on the topic of research. Therefore, the questionnaire is mainly used in studies aimed at exploring facts about current practices, public opinion surveys and individual trends.


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