Monday, 27 November 2017 08:38

Lecturer from NANO technology participate in conference

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Among the outstanding activities of the Nanotechnology Research and Advanced Materials Center on both research and applied fields, Lect.Dr. Ali AbdulWahab, the Chairman of the Department of Biotechnology Research at the Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials Research Center participated in the first International Scientific Conference of the Science Collage in University of Qadisiyah, which was held from 19-20 / 11/2017 in cooperation with AL-Bahith corporation for academic coordination with his research (Morphology, Structure and Magnetic Properties on the Copper Ferrite System Synthesized by Chemical Method)

The Center for Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials at the University of Technology is one of the most important scientific centers in the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and the research and studies which it presents have huge presence in all conferences and seminars held in this regard



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