Publication Instructions Back


1- The manuscript :
Four copies of the manuscript in English should be submitted (two   with the author’s name and two without), typed on a single sheet size (A4). The pages should be numbered, but the manuscript should not exceed (15) pages.  A letter addressed to the chief editor should include a publishing request with the title of the paper, name of author in Arabic, place of work, e-mail and phone number of the first author if there are more than one and an obligation form that the paper was not published before by any other magazine. 

2- The references:
References to published literature should be put immediately after the quoted text using note numbers between square brackets. They should be listed in the references list as follows: Author, Title, Journal (Vol., No., Year and pages). In case of books, they also must be arranged according to the order of occurrence: Title, Author, publisher, year and page.


Tables   should   have serial numbers and clear titles and should not be a repetition of previous data. The title should be above the table. If the table is small enough, it can be enlisted within the manuscript; otherwise, it should be at the end.

4- Drawings:

Each drawing should  have an accurate  and  adequate title  numbered       according  to  the  order   of   occurrence  and  typed  under. If the drawing is small enough, it can be enlisted within the manuscript; otherwise, it should be at the end.


 A one line space should be left between an equation and the text or equations that precede or follow and numbered according to the order of occurrence. Confusions between letters and numbers should be avoided.

6- Final presentation: :

After the article being accepted for publishing, it should be   presented on a CD according to the specifications stated by editors ' board.  

7- Letters:

  Iraqi Journal for Computers, Communication, and Control & Systems Engineering

  University of Technology -  P.O. BOX . 18310

  Baghdad, IRAQ

  E-mail :ijccce_ [email protected]