

 Activities of Postgraduate Studies Department


1-     1- Developing and updating the electronic archive system for all ingoing and outgoing letters concerning postgraduate students' issues and tackling all problems that they encounter in their study.

2-    2- Building up a dependent system of supervisors of students including a data base for each supervisor, the beginning of supervision, research address, the administrative order of commissioning, number of students that are being supervised with their stages and finally ongoing update of the system till the student finish his study and being granted his/her postgraduate certificate.

3-    3- System of study leave by archiving all files concerning the permission study that will be easy to go back to each item related to the applicants till they are being accepted in their study ( also their starting time in study.

4-    4- Online applications in postgraduate studies:- it contains all applicants electronic data till they are being accepted in study. This procedure would facilitate going back to any required information for each applicant.

5-    5- Statistical Electronic system :-  this system is concerned with all ongoing postgraduate students with their specializations and stages in each department. This system is connected with data base in items ( 2,3,4)   to have accurate data.

6-    6- Supervision upon (Turnitin) program: - this item is concerned with supervision on ( Turnitin ) program by supplying renewal of  program participation to be available to all university departments.

7-     7- Achieving acceptance in postgraduate study procedure for the study year (2017-2018) and the previous years.


Source : Media of Department

Date of publication :2017\7\19