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Seminar on "the radiochemical separation methods and their application in environmental measurements"

       Within the cultural season of ERC a seminar was held on Wednesday, 03/07/2015, and Prof. Moayyed G. Jalhoum, Chief Consultant Academic Researchers and Industrial presented a seminar " the radiochemical separation methods and their application in environmental measurements.". The lecturer showed in some details that radiometric methods of measurements of radioactive elements emitting gamma rays, alpha and beta essential to control, detection and treatment of pollution happening in the soil, water and air. Associated with the accuracy of measurements and quality assurance for these measurements difficulties dealing with large volumes and low concentrations of radioactive elements, which requires resorting to radiochemical methods to increase its focus after separation and purification. He presented a paper that discusses the most important work and approved the latest global methods for the separation of radioactive elements and the possibility of rehabilitation of the national laboratories concerned with the environment and through a program of the integrated research and developmental work.