A master thesis in Control and Systems Engineering department for the development of the path planning algorithm


 A master thesis in Control and Systems Engineering department for the development of the path planning algorithm

The Control and Systems Engineering Department at the University of Technology awarded the master's degree with a grade of excellence to the master student Asmaa Abdul Latif Hussein for her entitled thesis:" Development of a path-planning algorithm based on robot position space"
In this study, the researcher demonstrated the development of the(C-space) analysis, which has advantages in the process of routing the robot. This structure is based on geometric analysis of some forms of obstacles which are basic forms in the robot environment. The (A *) algorithm for robot path mapping was applied to the(C-space) structure and the (D *) algorithm, which was characterized by better behavior than the first method. Both methods obtained the shortest course possible, free from any collision with obstacles to get an ideal path, as well as using the generated path of the algorithm (D *) with the bird swarm algorithm (PSO) was implemented on(C-Space) after defining the (C-Space) map using the Industrial neural network (ANN) to obtain an accurate description of the collision zones.
The algorithms used with(C-space) have been demonstrated by modeling results and practical results.
The discussion committee consisted of Assist. Prof. Dr. Ahmed Sabah Al-Araji, as Chairman and Assist. Prof. Dr. Saad AbdulRida Mekki and Lecturer. Dr. Ahmed Khalaf Hamoudi as members and Assist. Prof. Dr. Firas Abdul Razzaq Rahim as Supervisor

Source : Uot Media Date :20/11/2017