A dissertation at Technologydiscussethe anarchist (chaotic) behavestudyingof moving rebort


A dissertation at Technologydiscussethe anarchist (chaotic) behavestudyingof moving rebort

A dissertation in Mechanical Engineering Department at University Of Technology discussed study the chaotic behave of robot under the influence of vibrations using the picture analysis of the student Salah Mehdi Swadi.
In this dissertation; it has beenstudied the effect of source vibration presence on the moving robot efficiency in tracing practically required, where it was found that there is a noticeable effect of vibrations on the robot efficiency of tracking .
It was designeda controller of vague type that corrects the robot path and brought it back to the track.
The practical results confirmed that the proposed controller was satisfactory

Source : UOT Media Date : 06/6/2016