
The Rise of evaluation for a teacher at the Department of Applied Science in the H-index evaluation

The Rise of evaluation for a teacher at the Department of Applied Science in the H-index evaluation

 H -index evaluation for Prof. Ghassan Mohammed Suleiman, the President of biogenic technology branch of the Department of Applied Science at the University of Technology, ascended to 4 according to the global engine which represents global assessment of the researchers who publish research in international journals.

Dr. Ghassan said: This rise was the result of the publication of several researches in global sober journal of Impact factor, he recently published a research about manufacturing and the diagnosis of nanoparticles for silver and studying biological events for these particles in Journal “digest journal of Nanomaterials and Biostuctures of impact factor”, the properties of the prepared particles as anti-material of many disease mircrobates in addition to its role toxic cell of leukemia.

Source: Uot Media

Date :15/12/2014