President of the University attend a meeting of the Authority in the Department of Petroleum Engineering


President of the University attend a meeting of the Authority in the Department of Petroleum Engineering

President of the University of Technology (Dr. Amin Daway Thamir) attended a meeting of the general authority of the Department of Petroleum Engineering on Thursday, 13/10/2011.
The president of the University during the meeting shows that the orientations of the country today are focused towards the large oil industry, and this in turn puts us as a university of technology in general, and function as Petroleum Engineering a great responsibility in this direction and we must join hands to build the oil industry, stressing that the state-building Iraqi democracy requires everyone to work sincerely and this is a right step towards serve new Iraq.
During the meeting, discuss the conduct of the possible ways to overcome the problematic state of the department and by the students and provide support and emphasis on the scientific side as well as a discussion of the main problems, constraints and department preparations for the reception of new students.
The President makes a tour in the department and visits the laboratories.

Source : Media Unit Date : 14/10/2011