Graduation Projects for the Academic Year 2013/2014


Graduation Project The Name of the Student Supervisor Name
Manufacturing device for amorphous alloys Azhar H. Hussain Dr.Sahib.M.Al-Safar
Reem A. Sadoon
Study of recycling of aluminum cans in Iraq Zahraa F. Naser Dr. Farhad M. Othman
Noor S. Hanon
flexural characteristics of polyester reinforced with glass fibers Doaa J. Rade Dr. Jawad K. Oleiwi
Nawras Q. Alwan
Analysis of X-ray diffraction of engineering materials using mathmatical Hasan W. Fadhil Dr. Abbas K. Husain
Raeed A. Hameed
Effect of environmental condition on the mechanical properties of the polymeric structure Ghofran J. Matrood Dr. Sohama E. Saleh
Reham R. Abdullah
Effect of the addition of recycled rubber on the mechanical properties of epoxy Saja A. Mousa Dr. Akram R. Jabr
Raghad A. Mohammed
Alkali activated aluminosilicates Ayaat B. Mohammed Dr. Saad B. H. Farid
Asraa A. Hussain
Effect of brazing filler metal alloy on TIG welding Ban F. Dawood Dr. Fadhil A. Hashim
Zahra L. Abd Alsada
Effect of nano Duekla kaolin addition on the mechanical and thermal properties of Iraqi Duekla kaolin Amna J. Sadeq Dr. Fadhil A. Rasin
Zahraa Y. Fadhil
The effect of gas nitriding on the surface behavior of low carbon steel and it's torsion properties Nadin J. Ismail Dr. Ahmed M.H. Abdulkadhim
Shams H. Asee
Impact behavior of sawdust /recycled –polymer. Composite Marwa S. Hadi Dr. Mohammed A. Hussein
Abrar A. Hasan
Fabrication of ZnO powder by spray pyrolysis Nadia GH. Hikmat Dr. Alaa A. Abdel -Hamead
Fajir Th. husain
Study of the effect of porosity on the thermal conductivity of porous material Ghofran S. Jamil Dr. Ayad K. Hasan
Yosr M. Fakri
Corrosion of composite materials in basic medium Alaa M. Talia Dr. Rana A. Majed
Hasan M. Kdadat
The effect of chemical treatment on tensile property of natural fiber reinforced polyester composite Sara A. Hussain Dr. Wafa M. Saleh
Wed A. Naser
Mechanical properties and durability of concrete containing rice husk ash as supplementary cementing material Aya H. Ali Dr. Aseel B. Abdul Hussain
Harer S. Mohammed
Electrospinning of Gelatin Sara M. Odah Dr. Kadhum M. Shabeeb
Rosol W. Qasim
Study of creep and impact test for different types of composite materials Zina A. Rasheed Dr. Nahedh M. Ali
Rnd A. Abdulftah
Study of some mechanical properties of polyester reinforced by ceramic powder Rzkar H. Frman Dr. Mohamad R. Gharkan
Ali M. Hameed
Design a test rig for fatigue test under cryogenics environments Huda A. Dawood Dr. Hussein J. Hussein
Noraan M. Motlq
Characterization of polyethylene glycol reinforced with banana Pell fibers Nsreen A. Hameed Dr. Basam A. kalil
Alaa M. Kashaf
Building a nitrogen system designed for the preparation of urea formaldehyde adhesive reinforced by carbon fiber Hussain GH. Jawad Raghad U. Abass
Ali M. Hmood
Effect of cooling rates on corrosion behavior of weldments Ghaith A. Ahmed Majid H. Abdulmajeed
Taif A. Mathloom
Welding of (LDPE) using FSW Aliaa A. Ali Hashim Sh. Niama
Tamara B. Ali
Study of ceramic material addition on the mechanical properties of a polymer Mailk S. Ali Saad M. Elia
Murtadha H. Mohsun
Behavior of Al-Cu-Mg composite in  different media Safa H. Mohammed Hind B. Ali
Dhifaf Y. Hussain
Selection of materials using Excel 2010 Doaa A. Kareem Dr. Abbas K. Husain
Mais A. Salih
Study of the effect of heat treatments on the isotropy of aluminum sheet Athar M. Ali Jabbar H. Mohmmed
Study of the effect of the addition of fine grained materials on the physical properties of the Portland cement used in construction Sara L. Najim Shatha R. Ahmed
Saja A. Nori
Effect of the addition of okra crops residuals on the properties of cement mixture used in building material Sara M. Taha Ammar M. Hasan
Shahd M. Yassin
Study of the tensile properties for silica and carbon black reinforced rubber Safa N. Ghazi Dr. Mayyadah Sh. Abed
Sura A. Abdulhussain
Preparation and characterization of porous anodic alumina Hasanin A. Mohammed Ahmed A. Hashoosh
Ali A. Talib
Experimental study of the mechanical properties of glass fiber reinforced composite with different matrixes Saif M. Hasoon Nadia A. Butti
Ayad Naji
Thermal characteristics of PMMA reinforced with ceramic powder Joan S. Omran Zinah N. Abdulhameed
Rusol K. Ahmed
Cold spray process to produce CuO2 film for gas sensor Shams H. Zaki Sinan S. Hamdi
Roaa Abdul Minaam
Effect of different parameters on mechanical and erosion wear of hybrid composite Areej S.  Mohammed Ruaa H. Abdulraheem
Qabas F. Faraj
Effect of SiO2 on the mechanical properties of Aluminum alloy Ali H. Shahab Mervit M. Hanoos
Mohammed H. Najim