البحوث المنشورة في المجلات العلمية العراقية والعربية


Application of Box-Behnken Method Based ANN-GA to Prediction of wt.% of Doping Elements for Incoloy 800H Coated by Aluminizing-Chromizing
in this work, an effective procedure of box-behnken based -ANN and GA has been utilized for finding the optimum conditions of wt.% of doping elements doped aluminizing-chromizing of incoloy 800H. ANN and Box-Behnken design method have been implanted for minimizing hot corrossion rate kp (10-12g2.cm-4.s-1) in incoloy 800H at 900C. ANN was used for estemating the predicted values of hot corrossion rate kp (10-12g2.cm-4.s-1).

 the optimal wt.% of doping elements combination to obtain minimum hot corrossion rate was calculated using genetic algorithm approach. the predicted optimal values for minimizing hot corrossion rate for incoloy 800H coated by (Ce-Y-Ge) doped-aluminizingchromizing are (3wt.%Ce, 3wt.%Y, and 3wt.%Ge), the hot corrossion rate kp (10-12g2.cm-4.s-1) value at these conditions was found to be 71.701. the results have been verfied by confirmation experiment, resultes obtained by GA method match closely with experimental values (R2=98.30). EDS and XRD results show that the formation of protective layers AL2O3 and Cr2O3 during hot corrosssion tests.