

Staff Statistics


Teaching Staff in Electrical & Electronic Engineerin Department
Title Ph.D M.Sc.
Males Females Males Females
Prefessor 2 0 1 0
Assistant Professor 8 3 0 0
Lecturer 18 6 5 5
Assistant Lecturer 0 0 37 16
  28 9 43 21

Higher Education Students Statistics


Higher Education Students in the Department
Division M.Sc. Ph.D.
Males Females Males Females
Electrical Engineering 17 1 0 0
Electronic Engineering 14 3 0 1
Communication Engineering 9 3 2 1


Primary Education Students Statistics


Primary Education Students in the Department
Division Total
Males Females Total
Electrical Engineering 278 107 385
Electronic Engineering 40 26 66
Communication Engineering 45 47 92
Total 363 180 543