The most Important Books Available in the library


Book Title The author's name Publishing Year


Process control Instrumentation Technology ĒCurtis D. Johnson Prentice Hall 8th. 2006


Digital Fundamentals Floyd. Prentice Hall 8th. 2003


Grob Basic Electronics Bernard Grob Mc Graw Hill 8th. 2002


An Introducation to Database System C. J. Date Addison Wesley 8th          2004


Electrical & Electronic Technology Edward Hughes Prentic-Hall 8th          2002


Introduction Circuit Analysis  Boylestad Prentic-Hall 8th          1997


Network Analysis G.K.Mithal Khanna  8th           1988
8 Introduction to solid State Physics Charles Kittel John Wiley&Sons. 8ed       2005
9 Automatic Control System Benjamin C-Kuo John Wiley&Sons. 8ed       2003
10 Introductory Electronic Devices and Circuits Robert T. Paynter Prentice Hall 7th. 2006
11 Elementary Algebra Concepts and Applications Marvin L. Bittinger, David J. Ellenbagen Pearson Addison Wisley 7th. 2006
12 Hughes Electrical Engineering Edward Hughes Prentice Hall 7th. 1995
13 Vector Mechanics For Engineers Beer/Johnston/Eisenbery McGraw-Hill 7th         2004
14 Calculus  Bivens/Stephen L.Davis John Wiley&Sons. 7th         2002
15 Electronic Devicce and Circuit Theory  Robert L. Boylestad Prentic-Hall 7th         1999
16 Grob Basic Electronics   Bernard Grob  McGraw-Hill 7th         1992
17 Fluid Mechanics Victor L.Streeter McGraw-Hill 7th         1981
18 Electrical Machines, Drivers and Power Systems Theodore Wildi Prentice Hall 6th. 2006
19 Solid State Electronic Devices Ben,G.Streetman. Sanjay Kumar Banerjee Prentice Hall 6th. 2006
20 Soving Business Problems Using a Calculator Mildred K. Polisky Mc Graw Hill 6th. 2003
21 Electronic Calculator Guide for Use with Practical Business Math Procedures Jann Underwood Mc Graw Hill 6th. 2003
22 Violence and Terrorism Thomas J. Badey Mc Graw Hill 6th. 2003
23 Focus on Health Dale B.Hahn, Wayne A.Payne Mc Graw Hill 6th. 2003
24 Electronic Communication Robert L. Shrader Glencoe/Mc Graw Hill 6th. 2000
25 Engineering Circuit Analysis Hayt, Kemmenly, Durbin Mc Graw Hill 6th 2002
26 Principles of Information System Ralph M. Stair Thomson 6th  2003
27 Thermodynamics Kenrik Wark McGraw-Hill 6th  1999
28 Operating System Concepts Silberschatz John Wiley&Sons. 6th  2003
29 System Analysis and Design  Kendall Prentic-Hall 6th  2005
30 Introduction To Ps Pice Manual For Electric Circuits James W.Nilsson Prentic-Hall 6th  2002
31 SoftWare Engineering Ian Sommerville Addison Wesley 6th  2001
32 Mechanics of Materials  R.C. Hibbeler Prentic-Hall 6th  2005
33 Concepts Of Programming Languages Robert W. Sebesta  Addison Wesley 6th  2004
34 Probability and Statistics for Engineers & Scientists Walpole  Prentic-Hall 6th  1998
35 Electronic Devices & Circuit Theory Part 1 Rebort Boylestad Prentice-Hall  6th  1996
36 Electronic Devices & Circuit Theory Part 2 Rebort Boylestad Prentice-Hall  6th  1996
37 Physics For Scientists & Engineers Serway Jewett Prentic-Hall

6th   1996

38 Heat Pipes D.A. Reay, P.A. Kew Elsevier 5th. 2006
39 Mathematics for Elementary Teachers Robert B. Bennett, Jr    L.Ted Nelson Mc Graw Hill 5th. 2001
40 PreCalculus Functions and Graphs Raymond A. Barnett, Michael R. Ziegler, Karl E. Byleen Mc Graw Hill 5th. 2001
41 Software Engineering A Practitioner's Approach Roger S. Pressman Mc Graw Hill 5th. 2001
42 Beginning Algebra James Streeter, Donald Hutchinson, Barry Bergman, Louis Hoelzle Mc Graw Hill 5th. 2001
43 Operating Systems: A Systematic View William S. Davis, T.M. Rykumar Addison--Wesley 5th. 2001
44 Technical Drawing Frederick E.Giesecke Macmillan 6th  1974
45 Electronics Principles and Applications Charles A. Schuler Mc Graw Hill 5th. 1999
46 Digital Electronics Principles and Applications Roger L. Tokheim Mc Graw Hill 5th. 1999
47 Advanced Engineering Mathematics C. Ray Wylie, Louis C. Barrett Mc Graw Hill 5th. 1982
48 Java How To Program Deitel & Deitel Prentic-Hall 5th  2003
49 Process control Instrumentation Technology Curtis D. Johnson Prentice Hall 8th. 2006
50 An Introduction to Database Systems C.J. Date Addison--Wesley 8th. 2004
51 Optical Communication Theory and Techniques Enrico Forestieri Springer Science 2005
52 Theory and Applications of OFDM  and CDMA Henrik Schalze, Christian Luders John Wiley and Sons 2005
53 Radio Frequency Integrated Circuit Design John Rogers, Calvin Plett John Wiley and Sons 2005
54 Intermediate Algebra Miller O. Neill Hyde Mc Graw Hill 2005
55 Mastering C++ Oqeili Dar AL- Shorok 2004
56 Visual Basic  Abdul Mutalib I. University of Tech. 2004
57 Understanding Digital Signal Processing  Richard G. Lyons  Prentic-Hall 2004
58 Computer Security Fundamentals Chucheastton Prentice Hall 2006
59 Introduction to Cryptography with coding Theory Wade troppe, Lawrence C. Washington Prentice Hall 2006
60 Building Application and Components With Visual Basic Net. Pattison  Addison Wesley 2004
61 Fundamentals of Optical Fiters John A.Buck John Wiley & Sons 2004
62 Principles and Applications of Electrical Engineering Rizzoni Mc Graw Hill 2004
63 fundamentals of Power System Economics Daniel Kirschen Goran Strbac John Wiley and Sons 2004
64 Modeling random Systems J.R. Cogdell Prentice Hall 2004
65 Extreme Software Engineering A Hands on Approach Daniel H. Steinberg, Daniel W. Palmer Prentice Hall 2004
66 Digital Image Processing Using Marlab Rafael C. Gonzalez, Richard E. Woods Steven L. Eddins Prentice Hall 2004
67 Encyclopedia Britannica Almanac 2004 Jacob E. Safra Encyclopedia Britannica 2004
68 Applying AutoCAD 2004 Terry T-Wohlers Mc Graw Hill 2004
69 Computer Science Using Java Jesse Liberty, Kent Quirk Mc Graw Hill 2004
70 Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Joseph Davies Microsoft Press 2003
71 Electric Power Systems Analysis and Control Fabio Saccomanno John Wiley&Sons. 2003
72 Aleks For Statistics Users Guide Harold D. Baker McGraw-Hill 2003
73 Design of Integrated Circuits for Optical Communications Begzad Razavi Mc Graw Hill 2003
74 Microsoft Project Version 2002 Inside Out Teresa S. Stover Mictosoft Press 2003
75 Electric Power Sytems Analysis and Control Fabio Saccomanno John Wiley and Sons 2003
76 Introduction To VLSI Circuit & Systems John P. Uremura John Wiley&Sons. 2002
77 C# How To program Deitel & Deitel Prentic-Hall 2002
78 Digital Fundamentals  2002 Thomas L.Floyd Prarson  2002
79 Programming With Java  Alauddin A. Wael 2002
80 Modern Power Electronics and AC Drives  Bimal K. Bose  Pearson Education 2002
81 Microsoft Access 2002 Robert T. Grauer  Prentic-Hall 2002
82 Auto CAD 2002 Companion James A. Leach McGraw-Hill 2002
83 Modern Control Design Ashish Tewari John Wiley&Sons. 2002
84 Electronic Devices & Circuit Theory Robert L.B. Prentice--Hall 2002
85 Introduction to Logic Design Alan B. Marcovitz Mc Graw Hill 2002
86 Microsoft Power Point 2002 Sarah E. Hutchinson, Glen J. Coulthard Mc Graw Hill 2002
87 Microsoft Excel 2002 Sarah E. Hutchinson, Glen J. Coulthard Mc Graw Hill 2002
88 The Power Electronics Handbook Timothy L. Skvarenina CRC Taylor and Francis 2002
89 Electric Circuits Jomes W.Nilsson Prentic-Hall 2001
90 Pro/Engineer Instructor  David S. Kelly McGraw-Hill 2001
91 Digital Design With CPLD Application & VHDL Robert K. Dueck Delmar 2001
92 Signals and Systems Girod John Wiley&Sons. 2001
93 Nuclear Reactor Physics eston M. Stacey John Wiley&Sons. 2001
94 Digital Design With CPLD Application & VHDL Robert K. Dueck Delmer 2001
95 Mathematical Structure and Numerical Relativity Abdul-Sahib Al-Mukhtar Dar AL-Talial 2001
96 Programming in Matlab Marc E.Herniter Brooks 2001
97 Digital Commanications John G.Proakis McGraw----Hill 2001
98 Communication Systems Simon H. John Wiley & Sons 2001
99 Basic Principles of The Finite Element Method Entwistle Maney publishing 2001
100 Discrete Mathemetics with Combinatorics James A. Anderrson Prentice Hall 2001
101 Fundamentals of digital Televisions Transmission Gerald W. Collins John Wiley and Sons 2001
102 Linear Integrated Circuit Application John P. Borris Prentic-Hall 2000
103 Introducing Communication Theory Richard West. Lynn H. Mayfield Publishing 2000

A First Book Of Visual C++

Gary J. Bronson Brooks / Cole 2000
105 Telecommunications Systems & Technology Michael Khader Prentic-Hall 2000
106 Multimedia Applications Support For Wireless ATM Networks Anna Hac Prentic-Hall 2000
107 Principles of Computer Architecture Miles J. Murdocca, Vincent P. Heuring Prentice Hall 2000
108 Microcontrollers & Microcomputers Fredrick M. cady Oxford  1997
109 Semiconductor Optics C.F.Klingshirn Springer 1997