Prof. Jawad K. Ali serves as a TPC member of international conferences in USA, UK and India |
Prof. Jawad K. Ali has been selected to serve in the TPCs of international conferences in 2016. These conferences are: 1. Future Technologies Conference 2016, FTC 2016, 6-7 December 2016, San Francisco, USA. http://saiconference.com/FTC2016/CommitteeProfile/a7fdf3fe-cb59-4fb8-b918-28d0b793162e 2. SAI Intelligent Systems Conference 2016, IntelliSys 2016, September 21-22, 2016 |, London, UK.http://saiconference.com/IntelliSys2016/CommitteeProfile/a7fdf3fe-cb59-4fb8-b918-28d0b793162e 3. 5th International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics, ICACCI 2016, 21-24 Sept. 2016, Jaipur, India. |