Workshop About Arduino Microcontroller


Brunch of control engineering has been held of training workshop about “ arduino micro controller “  through the spring of vacation to period 13 -16 of February . Who they have desire of students for all classes and by supervision assist Professor Dr. Hazem Ibrahim who is a chairman of control branch and sharing with the students are   “ Nazar Waleed “  and “ Maamon Abdullah “  and number of  18 participants at the workshop to all stages and diversity  of specializations of department .

  The workshop has been included as the following up :-

1-      1-The definition the structuring of Arduino and how could be used it.

2-      2- How is the programming of processor.

3-      3-Writing of multi programming and applied for different applications.

4-      4-Controlling of room temperature.

5-      5-Controlling on the engine DC continuing and other applications.

In the closing of workshop have been given awarding certificates to the participants.