Student Affairs - Students Affairs Notifications               


The department of registration and students affairs in the department of chemical engineering weekly publishes murals and documents belonging to the graduate students of our department on its website, as a result our graduates will know how it can be completed their transactions with wish them success and excellence in their working lives.


To the failed students and the students who had the discontinued files or the absent students from

 the first and/or second attempts of exams with an excuse and for all stages


To the failed students and the students who had the discontinued files or the absent students from the first and/or second attempts of exams with an excuse and for all stages:

Referring to the issued document from the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, with a number T. M 5 / S / 4752 in 16/10/2016, it was decided the following items:

1-    Make a supplementary exam for fourth year students, who are failed in half of curriculum or less.

2-    All students have to provide the legal excuses for not participating in both attempts of exams or one of them and no later than the beginning of the official working hours on Sunday, 30/10/2016.

3-    All the failed students or the students who had the discontinued files, be obliged to offer what they have on the difficult situations, which are caused their failures in the exams and no later than the beginning of the official working hours on Sunday, 30/10/2016, in order to be considered by the Council of Chemical Engineering Department.


Administration Deputy of the Head of Department


  Students grant


Latecomers' students in receipt of the benefits of grant students should be taken an appointment

 from the grant committee for the purpose of receiving financial grants by the end of the official

 work day on Thursday, 17.09.2015, otherwise the amount of money allocated to them will be

returned to the Finance Division in the department


Announcement to the new accepted students in chemical engineering department for the 1st level 

all new accepted students in chemical engineering department for the 1st level for the academic yarer 2014-2015

 should fill the forms shown below and send it to the following E-mail:

[email protected]


 selecting branch form
Personal record form
identity  form
student card 1
student card 2