Student Affairs - Discipline Committee Notifications


It is well known that the wear of standardized clothes (uniform) by all students can affect the educational, psychological and cultural dimensions in order to refine the student orientation towards loyalty and sense of responsibility about his/her scientific duties and provide him/her an official identity inside and outside the university campus. Accordingly, it is important to emphasize the following:

1-   Work on the applying of uniform clothing in universities, colleges and institutes during period of official working hours and suitable for the public rules to maintain the appearances of decency and dignity and to stay away from finery situations and the wear of indecent dresses, as well as adherence to the good behavior which confirms belonging to the academic and scientific institution.

2-   Curb smoking by preventing the student club from the sale of cigarettes as well as to prevent staff and students from smoking in the hallways and in the halls because of its negative effect of environmental, health and economic aspects.



Commitment to unified uniform
