البحوث المنشورة في المجلات العلمية


البحوث المنشورة في المجلات العلمية المحكمة
عنوان البحث اسم الباحث/الباحثون الجهة السنة
1 Mass Transport properties of a Flow-through Electrolytic Reactor Using Zinc Reduction System د.ممتاز عبد الاحد         د.انعام اكرم  

International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering

2 structural change of nano-PT Particles during thermal ageing :Support-inducedeffect and related impact on the catalytic performances د.شهرزاد رفعت Journal of catalysis   2011
3 Heat transfer in gas - solid fluidized bed with various heater inclinations د.بلاسم            د.جمال مانع

International Journal of heat and mass transfer

4 Removal of Nitrogen Dioxide and Sulfur Dioxide from air streams by Absorption in Urea Solution د.نيران خليل

Journal of  Environmental Protection 

5 Hydrodynamic and flow regime transition study of trickle bed reactor at elevated temperature and pressure د.صفاء الدين       د.فرح طالب

Chemical Engineering Research and Design

6 Effect of Solid Loading on Carbon Dioxide Absorption in Bubble Column علياء خضير مجيد

Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal

7 A Modification of TEA Block Cipher Algorithm for Data Security (MTEA) غيداء سعيد

Eng. &Tech. Journal

8 A Study Mechanical Properties of Epoxy Resin Cured at Constant Curing Time and Temperature with Different Hardeners د.نجاة جمعة صالح           د.عدنان عبد الجبار

منال افهم    مريم

Eng. &Tech. Journal

9 Poly (vinyl chloride) Hollow-Fiber Membranes for Ultrafiltration Applications: Effects of the Internal Coagulant Composition د.قصي فاضل           خالد تركي

  د. ولاء عبد الهادي

Journal of Applied Polymer Science

10 Mathematical Model for the Study Effects of Meteorological Conditions on Dispersion of Pollutants Air د.انعام اكرم صبري

Diyala Journal of Engineering Sciences

11 Prediction of Physical & Thermodynamical Properties for Binary Systems Using Equation of State د.كريمة مروكي بطرس

Diyala Journal of Engineering Sciences

12 Modeling of Dissolved Oxygen Profile in Slurry Reactor د.محمد فاضل              سعد علاء


13 Chlorophenols in Tigris River and Drinking Water of Baghdad, Iraq د.محمد ابراهيم

Buil Environ Contam Toxicol