

BCEE 2015 : The Second International Conference on Buildings, Construction and Environmental Engineering

  • Conference Date:Oct 17-Oct 18,2015

  • City:Beirut, Lebanon

  • ACI Iraq Chapter is one of the sponsors of the 2nd International Conference of Building Construction and Environmental Engineering BCEE2,  the conference is organized by Iraqi University of Technology and Lebanese American University and  held at Beirut from 17 to 18 October 2015

  • Website:

  • Venue: the campus of the American University of Beirut, AUB

  • Sponsorship:NIC, aci

  • Subjects:Environment Sciences and Technology


    God willing, the 2nd International Conference on Building, Construction and Environmental Engineering (BCEE2) will be held on October 17-18, 2015. This event will be organized jointly by the Building and Construction Engineering Department, University of Technology (UOT), Iraq, and the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, American University of Beirut (AUB), Lebanon.   The Organizing Committee for the conference calls the researchers, scholars and experts in disciplines relevant to the conference issues to introduce their researches to participate in the conference, put forward brainstorm and provide expertise to keep pace with the global scientific development of the construction and environmental sector.   The Organizing Committee seeks to publish the accepted researches of the conference in a scientific sober journal with a special volume containing the conference proceedings subsequent to the researches assessment that will be carried out by professional scientific committees to ensure the participation of valuable unpublished researches.  

    areas of the following topics are cordially invited for presentation at the conference: 

    1. Structural Engineering. 
    2. Building Materials Engineering. 
    3. Structural Projects Management Engineering. 
    4. Geotechnical and Geological Engineering. 
    5. Highways and Airports Engineering. 
    6. Geomatics Engineering (Surveying, Photogrammetry, and Remote Sensing). 
    7. Sanitary and Environmental Engineering. 
    8. Water Resources Engineering. 
    9. Sustainable Developments in the Building and Construction and Environment Sectors. 
    10. Applications of Nanotechnology in Building and Construction and Environmental. 



The first international conference on water resources engineering

The first international conference on water resources engineering was held by/at the department of building and construction engineering of the University of Technology (U.O.T) from 11 to 12 of November 2012. The conferencing will be activated for two days associated with exhibition: photos, posters, and related instruments and devices which are provided by public and private sectors of specialized companies. The organizing committee of the conference would like called upon researchers and all other individuals and establishments concerned with the field of water resources to submit their researches, and/or contributions so as to give – and – take, dialogue and communication, and to follow up the scientific progresses which have been achieved in water resources topics, and how this may be implemented to serve future requirements for the considerable increase in water demand.

عقد المؤتمر الدولي الأول لهندسة المواردلمائية في قسم هندسة البناء والإنشاءات للفترة من 11 الى 12من شهر تشرين الثاني -2012 وعلى مدى يومين .تخلله معرض للصور والبوسترات ومعرض للأجهزة المتعلقة بهندسة الموارد المائية من قبل الشركات المختصة للقطاع العام (الدولة) والخاص.  وان  الباحثين والدارسين والمهتمين في الموارد المائية قاموا بالقاء بحوثهم والمشاركة في المناقشات وطرح أفكارهم وتبادل الخبرات لمواكبة التطور العلمي في هذا المجال والمساهمة في تنمية المتطلبات المستقبلية للموارد المائية.









1st International Conference on Geotechnical and Transportation Engineering ICGTE 2013


1st International Conference on Geotechnical and Transportation Engineering ICGTE 2013


عقد المؤتمر العالمي الاول لهندسة الجيوتكنيك والمواصلات في قسم هندسة البناء والإنشاءات – الجامعة التكنولوجية للفترة من 24 الى 25 من شهر نيسان  2013 وعلى مدى يومين.تخلله معرض للصور والبوسترات للمشاريع ومعرض للأجهزة المتعلقة بفروع واختصاصات الهندسة الجيوتكنيكية وهندسة الطرق والمواصلات من قبل الشركات والدوائر المتخصصة للقطاع العام والخاص.

قام  الباحثين والدارسين والخبراء في اختصاصي هندسة الجيوتكنيك وهندسة النقل والموصلات الى تقديم بحوثهم والحضور والمشاركة في جلسات المؤتمر وطرح الافكار وتبادل الخبرات لمواكبة التطور العلمي في هذه المجالات والمساهمة في تنمية المتطلبات المستقبلية لفرعين اساسيين ومهمين من فروع الهندسة المدنية .

تم نشر البحوث المقبولة في المؤتمر بمجلد خاص تضمن وقائع المؤتمر بعد أن خضعت البحوث للتقييم العلمي من قبل لجنة متخصصة لضمان مشاركة بحوث قيمة وغير منشورة سابقا. كتبت البحوث والدراسات باحدى اللغتين العربية او الانكليزية.


The First International Conference on Geotechnical and Transportation Engineering (ICGTE2013) is to be held by/at the Department of Building and Construction Engineering of the University of Technology (U.O.T) from 3 - 4 April 2013. The conference will be activated for two days associated with exhibition: photos, posters, and related instruments and devices which are provided by public and private sectors of specialized companies.

The organizing committee of the conference would like to call all researchers, students and experts and all other individuals and establishments concerned with the fields of geotechnical and transportation engineering to submit their papers, and/or contributions so as to give – and – take, dialogue and communication, and to follow up the scientific progresses which have been achieved in geotechnical and transportation engineering topics, and how this may be implemented to serve future demands for two fundamental and important branches of the civil engineering.