Scientific Visit


  Fourth class (38 students ) with the Faculty members who are supervised the fourth class at the Department of Architecture have been visiting (Haifa Street) on Sunday 02.22.2015 as a part activity within the architectural design subject as (Housing) is the second term study . The students accompanied by :-
Asst.Prof.Dr. Assma Niazi
Asst. Prof. Dr. Rowa Fawzi Na’om
Asst. Prof. Dr .Younis Mahmoud Moham med al-Obeidi
Lect.Dr.Khansaa Gahzi Rashid
Lect.Dr.Mufeed Ahsan Shouk
Asst.Lect. Ban Jalil Tahir

The visit also included ( Hamada Market) area to explore similar buildings with the most important explanations made by the professors above for the positive and negative aspects of the site ..