البحوث المنشورة في المجلات العلمية المحكمة

البحوث المنشورة في المجلات العلمية المحكمة للعام 2015
البحث معامل التأثير الخلاصة


Dr. Ali F. Jameel, Sarmad A. Altaie
“Numerical Solution of Linear Emden Fowler Boundary Value Problem in Fuzzy Environment”, Journal of mathematics and computer Science, (2015), V.15, I.3, P.179-194.


Dr.Mohammed N. Abdullah, Dr.Muayad S. Croock, Amthal K. Mousa
“Optimal Power Consumption Strategy for Smart Irrigation System Using Lagrange Multiplier”, Sensor Letters Journal, (2015), V.13, No.12.


Bashir Salah, Omar Janeh, Tobias Bruckmann, Bernd Noche
“Improving the Performance of a New Storage and Retrieval Machine Based on a Parallel Manipulator Using FMEA Analysis”, IFAC-PapersOnLine, V.48, Issn.13, Pages 1658-1663, 2015.


Dr.Mohammed N. Abdullah, Dr.Muayad S. Croock, Amthal K. Mousa
"Automation of Smart Irrigation System Based on Wireless Sensor Network". Sensor Letters Journal, V.13, No.1, 2015.


Dr. Riyadh Jabbar S. Al-Bahadili
"Adaptive Polynomial Fitting for Image Compression Based on Variance of Block Pixels". Eng. & Tech. Journal, V.33, Part (A), No.8, 2015.


Dr. Mohammed N. Abdullah, Ayad E. Korial
"Planning the Path and Avoidance Obstacles for Visually Impaired/Blind People". IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering, V.17, Issn.6, PP 147-151, 2015.


Dr. Mohammed Najm Abdullah, Reem A. Hussein, Dr. Hassan A. Jeiad
"Multi-biometric System for Security Institutions using Wavelet Decomposition and Neural Network". International Journal of Computer Applications, V.119, No.6, 2015.


Dr. Hassan Jaleel Hassan
"Iris Recognition-based Security System with Canny Filter". IJCCCE Vol.15, No.3, 2015.


A. Dawood Salman Al-Ani, J. Seitz
"QoS-aware Routing in Multi-rate Ad hoc Networks Based on Ant Colony Optimization", Network Protocols and Algorithms, Vol. 7, No. 4, pp. 1-25, 2015.