

Seminar entitled (Interaction Fuzzy Filter with Kalman Filter for Reduction of the Mixed Noise from Gray and Color Image)

On Sunday, 1/12/2013, the MSc student Mohammed Shakir Mohammed presented a seminar under the title of “Interaction Fuzzy Filter with Kalman Filter for Reduction the Mixed Noise from Gray and Color Image” this seminar has concentrated on:
Removing or reduction of mixed noise that corrupted image is very active environment research area in image processing. In this thesis a hybrid filter that combine the advantages of (fuzzy classical filter or Noise Adaptive Fuzzy Switching Median Filter(NAFSM Filter) and median filter with Kalman filter are suggested, the hybrid filter can be reduced the effect of mixed noise (Gaussian and salt-pepper) with different level densities for two type gray and color images. The first sub two filters (fuzzy classical filter or NAFSM filter and median filter) reduce the salt-peppers noise, while the second sub filter (Kalman filter) reduce the Gaussian noise and the final output from the last has updated (modified) the central pixel of the noisy image widow 3*3 in recursive model.
The seminar has been attended by the department stuff members as well as the postgraduate students.