

Seminar entitled (Line Matching Across Catadioptric Image)

On Sunday, 8 /12/2013, the MSc student Hala Abdul.Adeem presented a seminar under the title of “Line Matching Across Catadioptric Image ” this seminar has concentrated on:
Today, the 3D technique has a wide range of applications so it is one of the most promising technologies and important for future. The error in disparity map and highly computational cost and execution time are the major obstacles in the application of stereo vision to extract 3D. Catadioptric stereo system has newly acquired an increasing importance in 3D. The two capture images can be easily obtained at the same time without need of exact multi_camera synchronization and calibration.
This seminar proposed an algorithm to find the 3D information of a scene by using mirror reflections. It will use the geometry of catadioptric stereo with two planar mirror and single camera to show the constraints and estimate the fundamental matrix. The proposed algorithm has three additional points to improve the previous works:

  1. The calibration process to obtain intrinsic parameters.
  2. Speed up execution by using Sobel filter with vertical edge detection.
  3. Using the adaptive block size with vertical edge detection matching technique to find the disparity map.

The seminar has been attended by the department stuff members as well as the postgraduate students.