Upgrade State Employees

We set up our training course entitled (Upgrade State Employees) for a period of two weeks for 14-25/6/2015 , designed to provide the participants experience in the use of the operating system Windows7, desktop applications Office2010 which includes (Windows, Word, PowerPoint, Excel), as well to the Internet, and the number of participants was (17) from ministries below :

Participants ministries:
- The Ministry of Trade / Office of the Inspector General.
- The Ministry of Finance / Rasheed Bank.
- The Ministry of Health / The forensic medicine department .
- Baghdad University / college of Languages.
- Baghdad University / college of Fine Arts.
- Technological University / Department of Applied Science.
/ Department of Electromechanical Engineering.
/ Department of Mechanical Engineering.
/ Department of construction engineering and construction.

The names of the lecturers:
- Zainab muhi .
- Saad shadad.
- Abrab salman.
- Rafal ahmed .
- Araksi bogous .
