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 ::News ::

      The Abstracts Proceeding announcement of the accepted papers for presentation at the 2nd International conference on

   Petroleum Technology and Petrochemicals 2021.... Important  ..... (ICPTP2021 proceeding final)


Given the importance and role of scientific research being one of the key foundation in the development of the oil and gas industry, and for the purpose of joining academic and applied experiences, the University of Technology, represented by the Department of Petroleum Technology, holds its 2nd international conference in Petroleum technology and petrochemicals on ( May 2021) and is pleased to invite all researchers and those interested in the oil industry to participate in this Engineering and scientific event by presenting their research and studies according to the specified conference topics.

The Conference Goals

The conference aims to enhance the role of scientific research in the development of the oil industry by gathering researchers, academics and specialists in a multi-disciplinary platform to present and discuss the results of research and innovations and to exchange experiences in the field of oil and petrochemical technology in a conference covering many scientific areas and application in the field of the oil industries, the spirit of the Iraqi economy.