Primary Acceptance


Declaration of Primary Acceptance in Postgraduate Study for the Study Year 2017-2018


1-    Department of Postgraduate Studies declared the primary acceptance results in postgraduate studies for the study year 2017-2018.

2-    Objections until 6/7/2017

1-    Mechanical Engineering Department.

2-    Electrical Engineering Department.

3-    Building and Construction Engineering Department.

4-    Electromechanical Engineering Department.

5-    Control and System Engineering Department

6-    Production Engineering and Metallurgy Department.

7-    Chemical Engineering Department.

8-    Architectural Engineering Department.

9-    Applied Sciences Department.

10-  Computer Science Department.

11-  Computer Engineering Department.

12-   Materials Engineering Department.

13-   Laser and optical Engineering Department.

14-   Petroleum Technology Department


Source : Media of Department

Date of publication :2017\8\17