President of the University of Technology
السيد رئيس الجامعة التكنولوجية (أ.د. أمين دواي ثامر التميمي)

The University of Technology had been founded in 1975, Named as the “Industrial institute”. The University of Technology has a distinguished characteristic among the other Iraqi universities because it is considered a specialized scientific, engineering University and it is the only one in Iraq which has such a characteristic.
The university provides the government and the labor market with the required specialties of the graduates and postgraduates and it will continue doing this duty in order to reach the highest scientific and administrative level of development and prosperity.
There are many steps that the university is working for according to a revised plan created by us in order to improve the scientific and administrative level, also to reduce the Moral, Administrative and financial corruption. Then, providing the required and necessary Supplies to enhance the educational system at the university with making our experts as the highest sources to direct the University issues in order to assure the success.
Considering the University of Technology as one of the highest ranked university is a clear evidence of the great development and prosperity so this will add more responsibility to stay ranked as high top university among the other world universities.
Furthermore, I would like to note that the university doesn't discriminate any religions, nationalities, and parties because we are working only for serving our great country “Iraq”

May the peace, mercy, and blessings of Allah be upon you…


Prof. Dr. Amin Daway Thamir
President of the University of Technology