Master message in technological observer looking slider style Mtgierat situation and turmoil


Master message in technological observer looking slider style Mtgierat situation and turmoil

Master looked in control of the Department of Engineering and Systems at the University of Technology observer slider style Mtgierat situation and the turmoil of the student Mustafa Hussein Mishari.
The researcher presented two types of observer slider style, two high-ranking observers and ordinary course of the disorder and to the variables of the slider-style case (state variables).
And contributed to the researcher to remove the problem of rapid oscillation (problem chattering) in an observer slider style Alaotaiati and put theorem equation to calculate guessing error (estimation error). As regards high slider style observer rank, it has been Todvh by the student to guess the state variables along with a guess turmoil Systems do not achieve a strong control property (strong observability)

Source : Uot Media Date :13/2/2017