Master Thesis in the University of Technology discuss the manufacturing of nuclear radiation detector via printing manner


Master Thesis in the University of Technology discuss the manufacturing of nuclear radiation detector via printing manner

Master thesis discussed in the branch of materials science in the Department of Applied Science at the University of Technology detector manufacturing nuclear rays way to print material PbI2 "student Hussein Salam Abdul Amir.
Researcher in his letter that the lead iodide of important materials and reagents used in the manufacture of X-rays because of its electrical resistivity and high capacity resulting from the big gap. It was the deposition material lead iodide on a glass base using a printing technique by which they can get on the thickness of the various membranes.
The researcher said that this technology with low cost and the possibility of a short period of preparation of membranes sizes and wide of the membrane with desired thickness without the need for complicated techniques compared to other methods. It was also in this research study the effect of adding impurities to lead iodide on the physical properties of a material using different materials as an impurity. Impurities used are tin chloride, nickel chloride and boric acid.

Source : Website Section Date :26/12/2016