University of Technology students visiting the southern Baghdad plant steam to raise the scientific level


University of Technology students visiting the southern Baghdad plant steam to raise the scientific level

Including of pursuit of University of Technology to raise the scientific level of students of the University of Technology and blending theory with practical application resided Electromechanical Engineering Department at the University of Technology a scientific visit to the students of the third phase of the systems branch to the south of Baghdad station steam.
The chairman of the scientific visits in the engineering branch L. Maarib Reza assured that accompanied the students that he has been briefed on the parts of the plant and the plant's ability to processing power through a lecture ditched the director of the training center at the station's theory were to clarify parts of the station using the Point Power Program and the lecturer station that relies on heavy fuel which is equipped by the terminal session.
It was also explained all the stages of production of electric energy through the room equipped with all the controlling techniques to control all stages of production stage water treatment of heavy fuel oil and the stage to get the fuel in addition to the two phases of the electric power generating and processing.

Source : Website Section Date :19/12/2016