Department Of Electrical Engineering Held A Workshop On Virtual Learning Environment


Department Of Electrical Engineering Held A Workshop On Virtual Learning Environment

Department of Electrical Engineering with the University of Ball-state - United States held a symposium entitled " Virtual learning environment system" on the Tigris Hall with the presence of the President of the University of Technology Prof. Dr. Amin Daway Thamir , UOT Vice President for Administrative Affairs Prof. .Dr.Sami Abualnoun Ajeel and Vic President for Administrative Affairs Prof.Assist.Dr.Sami Abualnoun Ajeel,head of the Department of Electrical Engineering Prof.Dr.Yousif Dhari in addition to the heads of scientific departments and the centers' directors.
The Small Grants Project, which chaired by a working group of the Department of Electrical Engineering, headed by Lecturer Dr. Ali Ahmed with the membership of Assistant .Prof. Dr. Abbas Hussein Issa the scientific assistant of the department ,Lecturer Dr. Ivan Abdul Zahra Hashim ,engineer Ali Faris Abdul Latif director of the site unite at information and Communication Technology Center. Prof. Dr. Amin Daway Thamir gave a speech on the importance of Virtual-learning and the University of Technology’s active role which seems clear through cooperation with several American universities to develop the educational process at the university in addition to all US IREX organization projects.
The head of the department gave a speech in which he explained the goal of the virtual learning environment project followed by a lecture given by project coordinator Dr. Kenneth Holland, director of the International Relations Center in Ball-State University in which he discussed the importance of virtual learning at improving the quality of higher education then he refers to his long experience in this field and the establishment of such project in several international universities
and the advantages of Student Information System SIS in the project.

Source : Uot Media Date : 27/6/2016