A dissertation searching manufacturing overlapping polymer nanomaterial for advanced medical applications


A dissertation searching manufacturing overlapping polymer nanomaterial for advanced medical applications

A dissertation in Materials Engineering Department at the University of Technology discusses manufacturing overlapping polymer nanomaterial for advanced medical applications, for the student Alia Hussein Abdul-Salam.
The study objective is to research in two areas the first one is manufacturing polymer mixtures and study its characteristics extensively to take a look for the impact of mixture on the properties of selected pure polymers, it has been studied the physical properties and the microstructure of pure polymers, poly methyl meth acrylate, for the polyethylene of high molecular weight, polyethylene of high-density and mixtures of polymer PMMA, HDPE , HDPE, PMMA, UHMWPE UHMWPE, PMMA and in the weight ratios (5:10:20).
The second concerned with study of impact of adding minutes of nanoparticles from zirconia and Alhaadroxa Apatite in the weight ratios ( to the best ratios of polymer mixtures (PMMA: 5HDPE and PMMA: 5UHMWPE). The polymeric mixtures and its imbricated prepared in strips in a process of extrusion by unilateral coil used pressing for the sample preparation process in accordance with the standard specifications (ASTM).

Source : Uot Media Date : 21/6/2016